Big Picture
A round thing for your controlling
What distinguishes macs and why it is worthwhile to choose macs Software as a partner for the Integrated Business Planning can hardly be described. The possibilities and so extensive are the various fields of application.
For you to capture the macs modules, their functions and possible combinations at a glance, we have drawn all of you on a large picture, the macs Big Picture. With a click on the modules , you can see what macs is doing for you in the particular sector. You will learn which departmentuses macs and which benefit is available for all your business tasks.
Test the macs Big Picture with just one click, and get deeper into the networked macs controlling world. With a click on the macs logo in the center, you'll be back in the overview.
And if you want to know more of macs and the controlling software of macs, agree today still your personal expert talk. What are waiting.