(ul) "Finally," as controller: in, "finally the budgets for the year are blessed and the resources available." Because from now on, controllers are looking into the inside again with ongoing tasks and exciting questions like
- Are the budgets adhered to?
- Create departments and teams the planned time?
- If not, how high are budget deviations?
- What are the reasons for budget deviations?
- and others.
In budget planning, the resources were distributed
Bottom up, top down, or countercurrent was set last year, Which departments and projects will have the amount of money, personnel and machines available for the coming period. Normally, the budget plans start in the second half of the year and end with the adoption of the master plan at the end of the year. Controlling coordinates the budgeting process, keeps track of the calculated costs, and analyzes budget deviations.
The budget deviation is the difference between plan and actual
The budget deviation, plan deviation, or Etate deviation is the difference between the actual amount spent, so the calculated plan costs and the planned amount, that is, the originally estimated cost of planning in your budget. It can be positive or negative, and indicates whether more or less money was spent than originally planned.
There are positive and negative budget deviations
A positive budget deviation means less money was spent than was originally planned. This can be due to more effective use of resources or to changes in the business model. A negative budget deviation means more money has been spent than originally planned. Unexpected costs or inefficient use of resources can be reasons for this.
Budget deviations send important signals
Basically, the budget deviation is one of the most important indicators of the controllers: inside for a successful corporate control. At best, it is available, as in macs, at any time and at any moment. On the one hand, it reflects the quality of the cost accounting and, on the other hand, it makes important conclusions about the success situation of the company. It is important to closely monitor and analyse budget deviations in order to understand why they occur and how they can be avoided or minimized in the future.
macs monitors budget deviations automatically
Budget deviations are independently and automatically monitored by macs controlling software and compared to the fixed plan numbers. Meaningful reporting shows at any time and all reporting recipients what costs are and how the budget deviations are likely to develop. With the macs Alerting function, the cleverly programmed controlling software warns in good time when certain situations occur and/or threshold values are exceeded.
Digital business success
The automated review of budget deviations with macs controlling software contributes across industries across all companies to significantly improve financial management . At the push of a button, macs supports the achievement of your business goals in all departments and projects and makes the company's success sustainable.
Learn more about planning, budgeting, controlling and macs software right here on the macs website or in person at one of the macs controlling experts. Regardless of your industry, you will receive important impulses for the controlling situation of your company free of charge. Best of all, book your free conversation.